Freitag, 5. April 2019

Getting companies moving with HR - English Programm of HR Innovation Day 2019

Again on board: German Sourcing Queen Barbara Braehmer
Finally: The program for this year's HR Innovation Day is ready. Once again this year, all participants can look forward to a broad spectrum of topics under the motto "Getting companies moving with HR" in 2019. In addition to the exciting keynotes (partly in English - we will offer language support German & English), there will again be two rounds of workshops, so that there will be plenty of time for interaction and discussion as well as networking. Once again, the topics will be HR innovations, but also the classic HR topics - such as leadership and HR requirements - will not be neglected. A fishbowl discussion on the topic "Intuition vs. Science in HR Management" will conclude the event. Changes in the program are still possible! (Status: as of 23 April).

25th May 2019 - Start at 8:00/9:30 AM - Gutenberg-Building
of Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (Gustav-Freytag-Str. 42, D-04277 Leipzig)

Target Group
Young (and older) HR Professionals, students with majors in HR, all people interested in current HR and leadership issues


8:00 AM Workshop-Round 1

Young, Wild and Driven – Your Start in HR!
Curley Fiedler, HR Manager, ORBIT Ventures GmbH, Hamburg and Alexander Grünert, Head of Recruiting, Efficon GmbH & Co. KG, Meerane

Skillup your life: Bot Training Program
Ashish Raja Rai, Data Scientist and Jess Koch, Business Innovation Strategist, HRForecast GmbH, Bremen

Recruitment in YouTube Age - A secret weapon that finds your target group
Florian Arndt, CEO & Director, Sons Of Motion Pictures GmbH, Leipzig

The digital HR organization - How the employee life cycle becomes a sense of achievement 
Kay Ackermann, Head of Business Development, HRlab, Berlin

Coding for HR Professionals – or what personnel must be capable of today? (are allowed to have today all on it!)
Sebastian Sellinat, HR ARTIST, Employer Branding, Personnel Marketing & Recruiting, Wiesbaden

9:45 AM Opening of HR Innovation Day and Start of Keynote-Round 1

Change inclusive
Wolfgang Göbel, Franchisee with L’Osteria, April 2016 to August 2017, Student at University of Münster, until March 2016 CHRO McDonald’s Deutschland Inc.

Opening the Gates - How HR can contribute to overcoming barriers to organisational learning
Harold Jarche, Principal, Jarche Consulting, Sackville, Canada

Optimizing Recruiting Services - Findings from Consulting Practice
Christoph Athanas, Managing Director and Chief Consultant, meta HR Unternehmensberatung GmbH, Berlin

Millions of users, billions of data: What they tell us about job seekers
Dr. Annina Hering, DACH Economist Indeed Hiring Lab, Indeed, Düsseldorf

1:00 PM Workshop-Round 2

How you use the treasure in your own company under uncertainty for innovations. Promote Intrapreneurship with Effectuation
Birgit Mallow, Organization Development and Process Consultation, Munich and Dresden

Transparency and feedback instead of blind flying: How change projects are led to success Thomas Zuliani, COO & Head of Academy, Loopline Systems/LLS Internet GmbH

Are they a curse or a blessing for HR - the new, cool tools and methods of modern talent acquisition?
Barbara Braehmer, Managing Director, intercessio GmbH, Bonn

New Pay - Shaping organizations with participatory compensation models
Nadine Nobile, Co-founder CO:X, Lehre

The future of student recruitment: the ecosystem is changing. Are you?
Vanesa Cotlar, CEO, Octagon Careers, at the moment Leipzig

3:00 PM Keynote-Round 2

The perfect candidate avoidance strategy. Or how you can guarantee to keep the applicants off your backs.
Henner Knabenreich, Employer Brand Optimizer, Blogger and HR Networker, Wiesbaden

Intuition vs. science in Human Resources Management

Registration via XING:

via Mail  or  via Twitter  @PeterMWald  #HRInnoDay19

Prof. Dr. Peter M. Wald
Leipzig University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Business Administration and Industrial Engineering

I look forward to see you all in Leipzig.

Kind regards

Peter M. Wald

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